The Lisbon Dandy Himself "STYLIST"
- The Dandy Man
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- Fashion is not just fashion. It's a state of "STYLIST"DANDY LISBON VICTOR VARELA a and a way of living. It's art on a daily basis. It's what gives colour to my day-to-day works. I work as manager of Get Vintage store in Lisbon (praça luís de camões) and i'm also a MC. I like to see well dresses people everyday and specially at my parties. I think man and women should be less afraid of playing with clothes and patterns.
- Dress yourself like life was a constante party...that's my modjo
- The Way the Dandy Man Lives
- "There is always one person in the world that awaits another, either in the middle of a desert or in the middle of big cities. And when these people meet, and their eyes meet, all the past and the future lose all importance and there is only one moment, and the incredible certainty that everything under the sun has been written by the same hand, the hand that awakens love, and who made a soulmate for each person who works, rests and seeks treasures under the sun . For without it there would be no meaning to the dreams of mankind.""
- ...
- "Sempre existe no mundo uma pessoa que outra, seja no meio de um deserto, seja no meio das grandes cidades. E quand
- o estas pessoas se A DANDY(ALSO KNOWN AS A BEAU AND GALLANT)IS A MAN WHO PLACES PARTICULAR IMPORTANCE UPON PHYSICAL APPEARANCE,REFINED,ANDE LEISURELY HOBBIES, e seus olhos se encontram, todo o passado e todo o futuro perdem qualquer importância e só existe aquele momento, e aquela certeza incrível de que todas as coisas debaixo do sol foram escritas pela mesma mão, a mão que desperta o Amor, e que fez uma alma gêmea para cada pessoa que trabalha, descansa e busca tesouros debaixo do sol. Porque sem isto não haveria qualquer sentido para os sonhos da raça humana".